Happy holidays! Thank you for sharing all you have on here this year. I haven't seen any of your previous year roundups of stuff you've written, but even with those asterisks, 2023 seems like a pretty good output! I'm looking forward to learning more about Project Artemis. I'm a big fan of Greg's show about a different fictional archer you may have heard of... but I suspect this Artemis has more to do with Apollo if this is about the space race.

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If you ever get a chance, I'd love to read more about the TV, movies, and comics that have inspired you, and as a bonus, how (if at all) they fit into your own work.

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Without the death, maybe Billy Joel will open his vault-of-the-unfinished or trash bin a la Michael Crichton, and let out some surprises? Having heard some of your lyrics over the years, you might not want Patterson know about this. 2024, let The Gugg start the spec: PROJECT WILLIAM JAY (music)

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