You're really teasing us with this undisclosed SW project... I think I can tease you now and say have a look at the latest issue of Star Wars Insider, #227, specifically the Rex article, and maybe that question I asked you about the Battle of Arantara will make more sense... Also I've saved all those podcasts for future listening, but that was a great little interview on TV. Best of luck for the webinar!
You're really teasing us with this undisclosed SW project... I think I can tease you now and say have a look at the latest issue of Star Wars Insider, #227, specifically the Rex article, and maybe that question I asked you about the Battle of Arantara will make more sense... Also I've saved all those podcasts for future listening, but that was a great little interview on TV. Best of luck for the webinar!
Is Wiseguy available on any streaming services?