Welcome to the first LegalDispatch of 2023.
So far the year feels, well, a whole lot like 2022.
(This is not a good thing.)
But maybe it’ll get better. Fingers crossed.
Yesterday, I sent off the new draft of the screenplay for Too Dead To Die. A few minutes ago, I hit “send” on the script for the second issue of PROJECT RAMBLE. Earlier this week, I revised a television pitch for something I’m calling PROJECT TWISTER.
And on Monday, I’m turning in the script for the first issue of PROJECT HOURGLASS. Monday’s a big day because it’s also when we send the finished print files for the first issue of Torrent to Image Comics. I spent yesterday reviewing the lettering for the first four issues to make sure everything was consistent.
Reading the first four issues in succession gave me a fresh vantage on this project. By design, it’s meant to create an entirely new super-hero universe, but the callbacks to Marvel and DC comics of old are intentional and many. The end result is something that feels (to me, at least) completely new yet recognizes all the super-hero comics which have come before us. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants, most particularly Frank Miller (Daredevil, The Dark Night Returns). I’m really excited about it.
FOC for Issue One is Monday, January 23. So, if you’re inclined to pre-order, that would be much appreciated. You can do so at your local comic book shop or online at Midtowncomics.com. Collector’s Paradise is also offering Torrent as one of their “Signature Series” where the first five issues will be signed by Justin Greenwood and moi. You can learn about that by clicking here.
We’re going to press with three different covers. The first two are by our amazing team of Justin Greenwood and Rico Renzi. The third cover is by Dani Strips and Brad Simpson.

Dani’s cover will be offered on a 1-in-10 incentive basis, meaning (for those unfamiliar with the comic book industry), retailers can order one copy of Dani’s cover for every ten copies with the first two covers they order.
Speaking of Torrent, Book Riot placed us on their “11 exciting comics coming in 2023” list. Here’s what they had to say:
The big two don’t have the only superheroes in town. Image certainly is no stranger to the super game. Tired of all the continuity and backstory? Try Torrent, a new series kicking off a new superhero universe. This story focuses on the hero Crackerjack. At least, she’s a hero until tragedy pushes her too far.
Next week, I’m diving back into PROJECT SPECTRE as well as several TV pitches that are presently on the docket. And last night, I got the greenlight to proceed with the new draft of PROJECT ARTERY, so that’s in the mix as well.
I knew going in that January would be a busy month. Lots to do.
Be good to each other.
Encino, California
Sold! Thanks for the link to the Torrent set.
I love these insights on your process, Marc! I love the bts aspect of things. It's very informative.